keskiviikko, 3. lokakuu 2007

Home again

Last weekend in Delhi was surprisingly one of the nicest, for all the shops, markets, restaurants and peacefully lying on the ground in the central park in Connaught Place. The night we spend in trainee house, which was empty. My flight was at night and I took a rickshaw to the airport by myself with the  entire luggage and was a bit scared, as you never know what the drivers come up with having a foreigner aboard. Everything went well and I waited only couple of hours until the bus retrieved passengers and took us to the plane. The plane was only half-full, with no lively Indians walking around as it was when going there. Helsinki was coloured yellow, red and wet, and I thought I would remember this for a long time. I could not be happier seeing Finland in its autumn colours and fresh smell. The bus left from the airport towards Heinola and Jyväskylä. How tired I was, I slept on the bus which I haven't been able to do ever before.

Everybody at home was waiting for me and I had good chicken meal and slept 11 hours. Today we went to see my flat in Kortepohja E-building and it was clean and better than my last one. My computer is there and more staff will be delivered by Sunday.

I can't write my thoughts down yet but in couple of weeks they will surely be clear and I start realizing many things about the trip and working back there. Indian sweets are still in the fridge and whenever I feel like having a taste of India it is very close to experience that. Colours, fabrics, food, spices (smells...) I miss those already! My life from now on will be more spiced in many ways!

maanantai, 24. syyskuu 2007

Going back to Manali


There is something in Manali that I cannot get enough. New trainees asked me to join them on their trip to Manali and after a slight hesitation –not because of the company but the uncomfortable bus ride – I decided to join them. There were girls from the Netherlands, Mendi and Janneke, German boys David and Martin and John from UK.


Accommodation was arranged by the same hotel as we had last time, though we were very happy to choose that, only breakfast let us down for waiting an hour, very hungry and tired we finally got food, one by one. Weather permitting us to take a long walk, we directed to other side of the town where the hot tubs are and some nice shops, not to forget World Peace Café with a stunning view. As I was supposed to know the way through Manali, we lost it somehow and walked some extra miles for to see where local low caste live. It was not like slums in cities but like in countryside farm; modest houses and shelters, animals living closely with people and people working outside. I guess it was the first time for the new trainees to witness poverty in India, as their expressions varied from amazed to desperate. People in small towns in Himalayas have an advantage over the people in big cities, where people are trapped and dependent on others contribution. Regardless of the poverty, people look happy and children play, dogs look quite healthy and life seem to be calm.


On Sunday, we walked around the town and ended up in old Manali, which we missed on last trip. For the atmosphere, it was relaxing, beautiful old town, where the streets were narrow and restaurants were outside. We ate at a restaurant where served very good Indian food and the prices were not bad. The toilets were unfortunately horrid but it is as a rule in India. Rarely do you find clean and non-smelly toilets.


Going back home to Finland is oncoming, sooner than I expected. So much have happened since new people have arrived and incidents in the house have heated up being tense among people. One Chinese girl had to leave, which rather was a relief for many of us. Not all the personalities get along despite the effort we make. Clashing with different characters was inevitable. Some people are searching for a better flat to live in, though it is difficult to find someone who would rent a flat for foreigners for couple of months. Turkish guy Saltuk and German Tobias are unhappy with the house and want to move out. Actually if I were to spend more than three months I would do the same, winter season is going to be very cold, and no heating is provided. It is very understandable for trying to find something better.


For the last weekend in Chandigarh I was thrown a party in our house. We went to eat out and after gathered our backyard to taste some liquor and snacks. Typically, there was a power cut and there we sat in completely darkness only one candle to lighten the room. AIESEC came to check and it was something worse which needed an electrician, but not until next day. So, it was hot and dark and I decided to go to sleep early. Sweating the night through and going to work next morning very tired was not my plan but everything can happen here. I have learned not to be upset because these things happen and you just need to get accustomed to them. 


Before I leave India we are going to Delhi for two days with Sally. I look forward to exploring the capital and its markets and spend my last salary on sweets, clothes and shoes. Happy! I arrive in Helsinki at 8 am if there are no delays.

sunnuntai, 9. syyskuu 2007

Haridwar ja Rishikesh



Haridwar ja Rishikesh ovat noin 6 h ajomatkan paassa Chandigarhista. Matkaan lahtivat uudet harkkarit John Englannista, Janneke Hollannista seka toiset hollantilaiset Marleen ja Joris seka mina. Uudet harkkarit olivat autuaan tietamattomia Intian hengellisesta elamasta ennen matkaa, heidan nahtyaan vain palan Chandigarhia siihen mennessa.Mutta tamakin asia tuli korjattua kertaheitolla, silla Haridwarissa ei voi olla osallistumatta seremonioihin.

Haridwar on pyha kaupunki, josta Ganges-joki saa alkunsa. Illalla hindut kokoontuivat joen rannalle yhteiseen seremoniaan, jossa he mm. laskivat kukkaseppeleen ja kunttilan joen vietavaksi. Paiva oli todella kuuma, aurinko porotti heltiamatta ja me joimmekin vetta litratolkulla hikoillen. Ylhaalla vuoren paalla sijaitsee temppeli jonne menimme hissilla ja joka on samanlainen kuin laskettelukeskuksissa. Nakoala kattaa koko kaupungin seka ylhaalta huipulta nakee mista joki alkaa ja minne se virtaa ohitettuaan kaupungin ja haviten horisonttiin. Jattilaispatsas vartioi jokea, jonka naimme paremmin menesamme bussilla Rishikeshiin. Ylhaalla temppelissa saimme merkin otsaan ja veimme pienen lahjan temppeliin. Vakea oli tietenkin paljon ja jono temppeliin ja pois kulki hitaasti. Kavelimme rappuset alas vuorelta ja laskeuduimme keskustaan aivan hotellimme viereen. Keskusta on melko pieni, yksi todella vilkas katu, joka on pitka ja taynna pikkukauppoja seka 'dhapoja'. Loysimme tasokkaan ravintolan, jossa soimme kahdesti. 'Dhapat' ovat nimittain hygienialtaan heikompia vaikkakin halvempia, joten aika harvoin tulee niissa syotya. Kaupunki  on, kuten voitte arvata, likainen ja haju on paikoitellen kamala, osittain avoimien jatevesiputkien ansiosta.

Nukuttuamme  hyvin yon lahdimme aamulla Rishikeshiin, joka on Haridwarin kupeessa, pieni,kaunis kaupunki. Se onkin aivan erilainen kuin Haridwar, ei halinaa eika uskonnollisia menoja, jotka aina keraavat ihmisia paljon samaan paikkaan. Kaupungista nakee ensimmaisia Himalajan vuoria ja joen yli on rakennettu riippusilta, josta myos moottoripyorat kulkivat. Joen molemmin puolin kulkee kavelytie, josta on kauniit maisemat vuorille. Soimme aamupalan German bakeryssa, aivan riippusillan kupeessa ja kuljeskelimme kaupunkia ristiin rastiin. Ennen lahtoamme menimme rickshaw kyydilla ylakaupungille jossa on hotelli seka ravintola, jossa taytimme mahamme. Iltapaivalla suutasimme taas kohti Haridwaria ja otimme bussin kohti Chandigarhia. Saavuimme kotiin aikaisin ennen kymmenta. Matkalla sattui hauska juttu pysahdyttyamme huoltoasemalle. Siella vessat olivat tietenkin likaiset ja haisevat, joten paatimme tyttoporukalla lahtea hoitamaan asiamme puskien taakse. No, pimea kun oli en nahnyt mihin astun ja huomasinkin uppoavani liejuun polviani myoten. Heh, naurettiin aika lailla ja vaihdoin sitten housut nopeasti ja kuivasin pyyhkeeseen jalkani. Onneksi se oli vain mutaa, eika mitaan haisevampaa:)

Valitettavasti  Haridwar ja Rishikesh kuvat deletoin vahingossa kamerastani, ennen niiden kopiointia. Tyhma paa...:)

keskiviikko, 29. elokuu 2007

Beautiful Manali


The bus to Manali travels for hours on end, from 23 to 9. We had a sleeper bus with double beds, I and Marlene and boys, Joris, Torben and Steven. It came obvious that we were ripped off as we paid much more for the tickets than other trainees week earlier. That was annoying. So, we reached Manali at 9 in the morning with a little sleep in a bumpy bus ride but what saved the weekend was the clear weather. It was not raining at all although it was predicted bad weather in the forecast for that weekend. There was a roadblock to Manali on that week and due to that, we hesitated  travelling there.

Straight away, we booked hotel rooms in old Manali, which were cheaper than ever (rs.100/person) and had breakfast at the same place. It is off-season in Himalayas as it is monsoon, raining a lot so there were only few tourists around and hotels were almost empty. 

After compulsory shopping tour, we visited two temples, one with a nice hot spring where men bathe, and where Torben had to go also. We watched them trying to swim in the very hot water. Other temple was the other side of the town where we took a rickshaw. The place was very beautiful with spacious yards and locals selling souvenirs. There was all kind of attractions for tourists e.g. white angora rabbits to hold in your arms and riding a Jak. It cost a little but was worth it definitely.

On Sunday, we had a jeep ride to the mountain road, which goes to Leh. Leh-Manali highway crosses some of the highest mountains passes in the world, including Rohtand La, and it is only open between June and mid-September when the snow is cleared from the road. We stopped 4000m high, where air was so thin that it makes you dizzy. The high altitudes and oxygen-rarefied air make travels experience mountain sickness. The road is according the information I got, the second highest motorable road in the world.

Up there we wore all clothes we had and it was freezing cold. Leh is a small town north from Manali. Leh would be worth visiting but because of my lack of time and less effort going there I must skip it, unfortunately. However, it is said to be the most beautiful town in Himalayas, the route there is the hardest for road to be narrow, and condition is bad. We were stuck on that road to Rohtang La and waited an hour because of mudslide blocked the road after the rain and thus big trucks going to Leh with heavy loads of stuff were not able to go through it. Passing by cars on narrow rocky road was scary as we were very high up in the mountains. The view was amazing and we had a chance to see very beautiful landscapes after the clouds vanished for a while. Luckily, it wasn't raining because then the view would have been misty without even a glimpse of the mountains.

At the end, we had dinner in Chinese restaurant and headed to the bus station. It was a great trip and slept too little. I bought some clothes, a bag and shawls, as they were cheaper than in Chandigarh. In addition, we had a very tasteful experience in one of the rastaurants, which had very good food served beautifully, and with good customer service. Prices were around rs.200-300 (4-5e) which is expensive in Indian standards. The best thing what happened was when we wanted to taste dessert before ordering any, we had a slice of it to taste which was enough for everyone to have a share. Still, we ordered more dessert as the food was delicious. We showed our gratitude when leaving and complimented on the food.

After Manali there were days off since no children had to go to school, it was brothers' day. I had time to recharge my batteries (sleep), do some laundry and recover from the weekend.


perjantai, 17. elokuu 2007

Puolivalia mennaan...



Aika on mennyt nopeasti, joko matkustellessa viikonloppuisin tai toissa. Intia on maana hyvin erilainen, eika siihen voi oikeastaan varautua. Jotenkin siita alkaa vaan pitamaan, kaikista asioista ei tosin voi pitaa mutta voi elaa niiden kanssa. En enaa paivittain pohdi Intiassa esiintyvia ongelmia vaan yritan olla positiivinen ja loytaa hyvia asioita. Monta kertaa ole ajatellut istuessani koulubussissa lasten seassa, etta tama on hullun hommaa, kuitenkin lapset on niin viattomia, etta huomaan hymyilevani. Olen taalla vain lyhyen ajanjakson, josta taytyy ottaa kaikki irti, vaikka se olisikin hullun hommaa.

Koulussa pidin Suomi-projektin, jonka jalkeen olen tuuraillut opettajia, joskus koko paivan joskus on paivia jolloin istun vaan koneella. Suomi-projektin toteutin vanhimpien oppilaiden (5lk.) kanssa. Nuorimmat lapset joita olen opettanut ovat olleet 6v, ja heidan kanssaan harjoitellaan tavujen lukemista ja kirjoittamista. Aika hauskaa ja mielenkiintoista, vaikka en aina ymmarra mita lapset puhuvat, koska nuorempien lasten englanti on viela kovin huonoa. He tosin ymmartavat kaiken mita sanon, jos vaan haluavat totella:) Seuraava projektini tulee olemaan kompostoinnin ja kierratyksen opettamista, koska Intiassa niita ei harrasteta ollenkaan. Tarkoituksena on rakentaa kompostointikuoppa koulun takapihlle ja kompostoida koulun ruuantahteet ym. lehdet ja havainnoida hajoamisen nopeutta. Luokassa suoritettavat tehtavat kuuluvat tietenkin opintosuunnitelmaan. Tarkoituksena on vahentaa jatetta kaatopaikoilla seka lisata tietoisuutta jateongelmista. Koulussa siis asiat melko kohdallaan, mita nyt informaatio ei aina kulje. En tiennyt etta heilla on 2 pv vapaa keskella viikkoa itsenaisyyden kunniaksi mutta huomasin se kun koulubussi ei tullut. Etta nain.:)

Meidan kampassa on talla hetkella alakerrassa 6 ihmista ja ylakerrassa samoin, jaamme keittion ja olkkarin. Kiinalaisia on melkein puolet. Alakerrassa on kiinalainen Anna, joka on mun kamppis, Ghanasta Sally, Steven Hollannista, ja kiinalaiset tytot pikkuhuoneessa. Ylakerrassa Jan Saksasta, Halina Puolasta, Torben Saksasta, ja Mayor Nigeriasta, ja kaksi kiinalaista poikaa. Toisella sektorilla asuu monta kiinalsista tyttoa seka hollantilainen Joris. Ympari Chandigarhia asuu joukko harkkareita ja he ovat majoittuneet tyonantajan tarjoamiin asuntoihin, jotka ovat laadukkaampia kuin aiesecin tarjoamat kampat. Meidan kamppa on siis huono ja parannusta ei ole kuulemma luvassa. Siis oikea selviytymisleiri Intiassa mutta kokemushan se tamakin.

Olemme matkustelleet vaihtelevalla porukalla, jarjestaneet bileita, kayneet elokuvissa katsomassa uusimman Harry Potterin (eng.), pelanneet golfia, kayneet vesi- ja huvipuistossa (josta voisin kirjoittaa enemmankin...) ja kukin meista on ollut kipeana, vatsatautia ja/tai kuumetta. Elama on tosiaan varikasta Intiassa, kaikkea voi tapahtua.

Kun Jaspreet lahti sain hanen pyoransa ja olen ajellut ympari Chandigarhia lahinna viereisilla sektoreilla, hullusta liikenteesta huolimatta. Se on pelottavaa mutta mahdollista selvitya hengissa. Melu on kamala ja se lika mika liikenteesta lahtee. Jos Intialaiset keskittyisivat ajamiseen eika torven huudattamiseen tai nopeisiin kaannoksin, se voisi olla jopa miellyttavaa ja turvallista. Niin ja kun suojateita ei juurikaan ole eika jalkakaytavia, pyorailijat ja jalankulkijat ovat ahtaalla ja liikenteen armoilla. Kavin eilen parturissa leikkauttamassa hiukseni ja se maksoi n. 2,5e. Tulos on hieman erikoinen mutta lyhyemmat hiukset sain kuitenkin ja sehan oli tarkoitus. Hiukset kasvaa, ettei huolta:)

Tosiaan harjoitteluni on jo puolivalissa ja aika kay lyhyeen. Osa ihmisista on jo lahtenyt kotiin ja uusia tulee koko ajan. Intiassa on tosiaa paljon harkkareita ja edustus on monipuolista, Jos vaan saan asiat jarjestettya, jaan harjoitteluni lopuksi pariksi viikoksi matkustelemaan. Lokakuussa olisikin ihanteelista matkustella Goan ja Keralan alueella seka Mumbai olisi nahtava ehdottomasti. Jos asiat menee kuitenkin liian hankalaksi, saavun Suomeen sovittuna paivava, eli 1.10.